


Bullying or being bullied happens at all ages. It most often starts with a joke or making fun of someone. How your child responds to this behaviour influences the outcome. This may be easier said than done! Pesten of gepeste worden komt voor op alle leeftijden. Het begint er vaak mee dat een plagerijtje door de ander als pesten wordt ervaren. De houding van je kind heeft invloed op het in stand houden van het pesten. Bullying is a group problem and that is also how it is best to deal with it.

How can you help your child to stand up for himself/herself and deal with this behaviour?
What do you do if you find out your child is a bully?

Because every situation is unique, I like to discuss the possibilities with you. In general for questions on bullying we choose a Social Competence Training, a Rock and Water Training, an Email consultation or a Personal consultation.

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