


Fears are common in childhood and are a normal part of growing up. A young toddler may love animals, but when they are a bit older suddenly have a fear for goats at the children’s farm. Toddlers are also know to sometimes have a fear of sitting in the bath and seeing the water drained away. They fear to also disappear. Children can be afraid of the dark, thunder and lightning and frightening stories in the media about terrorist attacks.

Most fears are mild and come and go at different ages. However some children have fear that is so strong it stops them from doing things. Professional help can be helpful if your child’s fears continue to cause difficulty.

Do you want to know how you can help your child to learn to cope with fears?

Because every situation is unique, I like to discuss the possibilities with you. In general for questions on fear issues we choose Workshop or courses an Email consultation or Personal consultation.

contact me!

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