Sleeping problems

Sleeping problems

Sleeping problems

One in three children under five years of age has sleep and bedtime problems. It is important to help children get past these problems so they can get enough sleep and develop good sleep habits which will last a lifetime. Sleeping and bedtime problems of a child have a huge impact on the rest of the family. If you child has difficulty falling asleep and you have to use all kinds of tricks to get them to sleep, you don’t get an evening for yourself. Perhaps you get woken up several times a night. Maybe your child wakes every day at 5 AM. The next day you feel tired and worn down before the day even has started!

Do you want to know how you can make a sound-sleeper of your night bird?

Because every situation is unique, I like to discuss the possibilities with you. In general for questions on sleeping problems we choose a Workshop or courses, an Email consultation or a Personal consultation.

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